OCEAN Partners
The OCEAN Project is an innovation and development initiative funded by the European Union to improve navigational safety through better awareness and evasive maneuvering capabilities to avoid collision with near-field threats.
Co-funded by Horizon Europe, the European Union’s research and innovation programme and coordinated by the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, the consortium unites 13 partners from seven European countries: Norway, Greece, Spain, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, and the UK. This collaboration combines expertise in navigation, ecology, sensor technology, risk management, and regulatory improvements.
The consortium will identify and address the most pertinent factors contributing to events becoming accidents, such as training, the technical, human element, or organizational factors, operational constraints, processes and procedures, and commercial pressures. They will also recommend improvements and amendments to regulations, standards, and bridge equipment design approaches.
Members include:
Coastal administration, a ship operator, maritime safety and transport researchers, marine mammal ecology & conservation experts, companies specialising in maritime information systems & sensors, professional organisation, risk and safety management organisation, as well as specialists in data infrastructure, data fusion & satellite imaging.
UK participants are supported by UK Research and Innovation Grant Number 10038659 (Lloyd’s Register) and Grant Number 10052942 (The Nautical Institute).
The project launched in October 2022 and is scheduled to run for three years.

Høgskulen på Vestlandet (Norway)
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The Western Norway University of Applied Sciences has a complete maritime/marine educational environment, including nautical science, maritime, subsea education, professional diving, marine technology, ocean technology, Climate Change Management and IT, with higher education studies at bachelor, master, and PhD level in Maritime Affairs/Nautical Operations.

Teledyne Reson A/S (Denmark)
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Teledyne RESON (TDY) is a commercial Danish company owned by a large technology corporation (Teledyne). Teledyne RESON is the “Centre of Excellence” for acoustics in the global Teledyne Marine group of companies and operates several well-known and recognized product line brands in the maritime market.

Universidade dos Açores (Portugal)
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The University of Azores will participate in OCEAN through the Ocean Sciences Institute (Okeanos). UAC is organized in three campi located in different islands (Sao Miguel; Terceira; and Faial). Okeanos, based on the campus located in Faial, was stablished in 2015 during the restructuring of the UAC R/D units but integrates a research community that has developed fundamental and applied marine research over the last 40 years, with a wide
experience in collaborative projects with EU and other international partners.

Kongsberg Maritime AS (Norway)
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Kongsberg Seatex AS (KSX) (Norway)
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Kongsberg Seatex KSX is part of Kongsberg Maritime AS. Kongsberg Seatex develops and supplies products and solutions for accurate positioning, communication, motion measurement and situational awareness for applications such as navigation and maneuvering, offshore oil and gas, marine seismic, hydrography, surveying, maritime transport, autonomous ships, as well as communications and positioning infrastructure and New Space satellite payloads for maritime applications.

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
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Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya UPC is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, specialised in the fields of engineering, architecture and science. It is well positioned as a university of research and innovation with a high degree of knowledge transfer and experience, and it valorises these assets through spin-offs, patents and close involvement with business.

The Nautical Institute (The United Kingdom)
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The Nautical Institute (NI) is the leading international professional body for mariners, with over 8,000 members most of whom are either servicing as navigators at sea of have moved ashore and support those at sea. As such improving navigation excellence and preventing navigation incidents is a primary objective.

Lloyd’s Register (The United Kingdom)
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Lloyd’s Register (LR) LR is part of the Lloyd’s Register Group, a global independent risk management and safety assurance organisation that works to enhance safety and to approve assets and systems at sea, on land and in the air. As a classification society, the main work of Lloyd’s Register Marine & Offshore is on classification (based on its own rules) and statutory appraisal (as a recognized organization) during the design, construction and operation of ships.

Kystverket (Norway)
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The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) is headed by the Director General, and the head office is the agency’s highest governing body. The NCAs areas of expertise include maintaining high level of safety and accessibility along the Norwegian coast by the development and maintenance of a maritime infrastructure, in addition to providing various maritime services.

Irish Ferries Ltd (Ireland)
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Irish Ferries Ltd is a subsidiary of Irish Continental Group plc. The Ferries division operates multi-purpose ferry services carrying both passengers and RoRo freight on strategic short sea routes between Ireland, the UK and France. The division also engages in chartering activities.

IWDG (Ireland)
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Irish Whale and Dolphin Group is an Irish based NGO dedicated to the “conservation and better understanding of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in Irish waters through study, education and interpretation”. The IWDG was founded 30 years ago, in 1991. In December 1999, IWDG was granted charitable status (CHY 11163) and in October 2000 it became a Limited Company. Since 2000, the IWDG has grown into a credible, effective NGO with a growing
membership and increasing influence on government policy and actions.

NTUA (Greece)
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National Technical University of Athens is the oldest (1836), largest and arguably the most prestigious Technical University in Greece. It is divided into 9 academic Schools, covering all major engineering specializations, as well as engineering science. The School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NA&ME) is the youngest one in NTUA (1969) and claims today a top per capital research position within the University.

CIMNE (Spain)
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Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l’Enginyeria will participate in OCEAN through CENIT, its specific Research and Technology Development Group focused on the fields of transport, mobility and logistics. As a research organization strongly linked to a technical university, CIMNE prioritizes the scientific and neutral point of view in their work and activities, always considering how society can take advantage of the knowledge that applied science generates.
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