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  • 2Mb PDF: Second Update of DECP March 2024 D10.9
  • 658Kb PDF: EMA interface overview and identification of marine standard needs D8.2
  • 2Mb PDF: Validation of data and information D7.2
  • 2Mb PDF: Tracking navigational hazard databases design and implementation D6.2
  • 1Mb PDF: Lost container forecast for ships, small craft, and recovery D5.3
  • 1Mb PDF: Knowledge repository (TRL 4-5) D1.2
  • 779Kb  Improved Maritime Training Standards D2.2
  • 931Kb PDF: Metrics to measure & improve navigational safety D1.3
  • 1.2Mb PDF: AutoNav and Bridge Watch Alarm partner for safer seas D8.3
  • 5Mb PDF Identifying information for better situational awareness D7.1
  • 2Mb PDF: Enhancing Navigational Safety and ENHI D6.1
  • 915Kb PDF: Improving Maritime System Dependability D3.5
  • 915Kb PDF: Improved Operator Decision-making D2.3
  • 980Kb PDF: Identification of navigational accidents’ root causes D1.1
  • 933Kb PDF: Safe Container Recovery at Sea D5.2
  • 1.8Mb PDF: Patterns relating to lost containers D5.1
  • 590Kb PDF: Creation of Tailored Stakeholders Packages D10.4
  • 1.8Mb PDF: Lost container recovery approach D3.1
  • 697KB PDF: OCEAN Project Website D10.1
  • 1,006KB PDF: Initial DECP Action Plan D10.2
  • 1,606KB PDF: Ship Strikes Workshop D4.1
  • 1.4 Mb PDF: Maritime Bridge Equipment Design D3.1


To download a report, please click the document title. The download is instant and will save to the downloads folder of your device.


To download a report, please click the document title. The download is instant and will save to the downloads folder of your device.

  • 2.3Mb PDF – OCEAN at ErgoShip 23- Another ECDIS induced accident: After all these years, why can’t we get it right?
  • 1.8Mb PDF – OCEAN Project Stakeholders Kick-off meeting Jun 23

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