Key Events

Lost Containers at Sea: Navigating the Troubled Waters
Lost Containers at Sea: Navigating the Troubled Waters, We have all seen the occasional report on the news of a vessel losing its cargo overboard.

Navigating the Seas Safely: The OCEAN Project’s Innovative Approach
Erik Styhr Peterson, senior researcher at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, spoke at the OCEAN Project Stakeholders Assembly on June 1st, 2023, on how the OCEAN Project aims to improve maritime safety through better awareness and evasive maneuvering capabilities.
News & Press Releases
Capt. Aly Elsayed: Aims of the OCEAN Project in Seaways
Capt. Aly Elsayed presents an informative article on the vision and objectives of OCEAN project in the informative featured article in The Nautical Institute's international journal SEAWAYS (Apr 2023).
Tools from the OCEAN project aim to support the UN ‘High Seas Treaty’
UN 'High SEAS Treaty' Agreed on March 5th, 2023, and expected to be covering almost two-thirds of the ocean that lies outside national boundaries, the new UN ‘High Seas Treaty’ is set to provide a legal framework for establishing networks of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs),...
OCEAN Partner UPC Work on AI for Increased Navigational Safety
Increasing Navigational Safety The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) published their article on how the use of AI, Algorithms and machine learning could increase navigational safety.The article introduces the subject with "The Centre for Language and...
OCEAN featured in Baltic Transport Journal
“MARITIME: The OCEAN project. Re-drawing navigation systematically to make it safer – for people, ships, and animals”
by Fitzwilliam Scott
OCEAN featured in Maritimt Magasin (Norwegian)
Container accidents at sea pose a growing risk to maritime safety and the environment, with 28% of these incidents being serious. In response, the Norwegian Coastal Administration is participating in a European research project to prevent further accidents and their...