
Key Events

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Maritime Accident Investigation: A New Approach for Safety

Maritime Accident Investigation: A New Approach for Safety
The maritime industry is essential to global trade and commerce, providing a cost-effective and efficient transport of goods worldwide. However, with the rapid pace of technological advancements and the increasing complexity of operations, the industry faces new challenges that require a paradigm shift in accident investigation methods.

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Press Releases

IWC, The OCEAN Project: Capt. Aly Elsayed, AFNI

Maritime Accident Investigation: A New Approach for Safety
The maritime industry is essential to global trade and commerce, providing a cost-effective and efficient transport of goods worldwide. However, with the rapid pace of technological advancements and the increasing complexity of operations, the industry faces new challenges that require a paradigm shift in accident investigation methods.

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OCEAN Project Launch

The OCEAN project is focused on enhancing operator awareness in navigation, to reduce the frequency of severe accidents like collision and grounding, to mitigate ship-strike risks to marine mammals, and to mitigate the risk presented by floating obstacles to ships....

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